come to a solution中文什么意思

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  1. " up to now , we have been actively negotiating with the organisers and are quite positive that we would come to a solution later , " he said
  2. I can ' t say it any more clearly , that i am anxious that there be a peaceful resolution that ' s going to require both parties to come to a solution
  3. I can t say it any more clearly , that i am anxious that there be a peaceful resolution that s going to require both parties to come to a solution


  1. come to a period 什么意思
  2. come to a point 什么意思
  3. come to a pretty pass 什么意思
  4. come to a prompt decision 什么意思
  5. come to a sad part 什么意思
  6. come to a standstill 什么意思
  7. come to a sticky end 什么意思
  8. come to a sticky end all 什么意思
  9. come to a stop 什么意思
  10. come to a successful issue; round it off 什么意思


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